Creating Your Engaging Talks and Workshops
Fill Your Workshops and Retreats
The Lab – Adding Sizzle to Your Talks and Workshops

A few of my amazing clients…
Ida, just our one session has already made a huge difference in my workshops. What our conversation brought up for me is that during the whole agenda I had prepared I was focused on trying to “perform” and prove that I am knowledgeable. After your feedback I realized that this would have created a disconnect with the people sitting there because it wouldn’t have been authentic. Once I acknowledged that, I was able to truly lead the workshop from my essence. It was very powerful. I had amazing participation – and feedback at the end. The results: a potential client and 2 potential consulting gigs.
Ida, your Road Map provides structure and guides learning in a step by step manner, making learning very easy. I love the checklist which ensures that nothing is missed out. Your delivery style is easy to listen to and understand. I was blown away by the presentation slides which is an example of how one should have them organised. I highly recommend the program to professionals and individual, who want to enhance their presentation skills, impress their audiences, and bring clients in the door.
I recently had the pleasure of hosting Ida Shessel on one of our premier webinars. As I moderated the session I was very impressed with not only her professionalism and presentation style, but the quality of the message as well. It not only provides tips on how to better engage the audience, but also provides a solid structure and strategy in developing your own sessions and workshops. I wish I had access to this program earlier in my career as I know it would have made a major impact on my ability to train my teams.
Big shout out to Ida Shessel. I`m using her expertise on a HUGE anthology project. it is going to make all the difference in participants experience and take away. I highly, highly recommend her.
What I absolutely love about what Ida does is her ingenuity in getting audiences to listen, engage and respond to her training. She brings something totally original and the best part is that her audiences members actually remember what they’re taught because of her process.
Ida, you helped me to create my workshop by helping me organize my thoughts into a step-by-step, logical, reproducible roadmap that I know I’m taking participants through from beginning to end. The content of your sessions was chunked down into manageable portions – each homework question was so completely answerable that I was almost surprised that the total and product was so significant.