Watching Don Lemon on CNN…

Written by ida

December 10, 2018

I’m not much of a TV watcher and …

I’m not usually up on popular dramas, the latest sit-coms, or even news broadcasters (and the trouble they get themselves into)…

But I was walking past the TV the other day while my husband was watching CNN and I stopped…

Fascinated by Don Lemon’s communication style as he delivered a monologue… an opinion piece about a recent event…

He was having a one-way conversation with his viewers…

His tone was conversational…

He paused at various times… allowing his comments to sink in, and…

He was using head movements…the kind you make when you’re talking one-on-one with someone…

Most broadcasters speak at break-neck speed…with a mission of filling up the air space and avoiding a millisecond of silence at all costs…

In contrast, Don Lemon’s style was sloooooowwww but definitely not boring…

One of the questions that I’m often asked by the students in my workshops is…

“How do I avoid boring my audience? How do I sound natural and interesting?”

The great thing about having a live flesh-and-blood group in front of you is that you don’t need to deliver a monologue…

As a matter of fact, unless you’re a stand-up comedian (are you?), it’s not the preferred way of interacting with your attendees…

There are many ways of avoiding the “I-don’t-want-to-sound-boring” dilemma…

That’ll have you sounding natural and interesting…

That’ll help you connect with your audience members at a personal level, and…

That’ll ensure they’re hooked to your every word…and will follow through with your call-to-action…

To learn how….go to Creating Your Engaging Talks and Workshops.


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