I’m reading The Secret…for the first time…
Yes, I know..
You’re probably asking …
“What took you so long? Have you been living under a rock?”
Admittedly, I am a little late to the party…
But as soon as I read the 3 steps of the Creative Process…
An improv exercise immediately sprung to mind…
I’ve taken a lot of improvisational theater classes and…
Some of the most valuable exercises we did were those where we acted out a scene…and really felt it… not just pretended to feel it…
To boost your self-confidence and raise your vibrational level before stepping in front of an audience…
Take yourself through the 3 steps of the Creative Process described in the Secret and really feel it…
Step 1 is to ASK…
You get to choose what you want, but you have to be clear about it.
What is it you want of yourself and of your audience?
Spread your arms wide and proclaim to the universe…”I want my audience to ….”
Step 2 is to BELIEVE…
Believe that it’s already yours… that it’s already in your possession…
Act like you already have what it is you want…
Step 3 is to RECEIVE…
How will you feel at the end of your successful workshop, talk, or retreat session?
Feel the way you’ll feel once you’re there…
Put a big wide grin on your face…
Yes! You’re feeling pumped up and deliriously happy…
You did it!!!
So, there you have it… the 3 steps to attracting what you want…
Now if you’re ready to create an engaging impactful transformational session, and…
You’re ready to make a long-lasting positive difference in the lives of the people in your audience…
Helping them solve the problems that brought them to your session…
Then check out Creating Your Engaging Talks and Workshops, and …
Discover how to design and lead your best sessions ever!