As my daughter shared with me during a recent conversation, parenting methods have changed over the years…
She is the mother of my 4 delicious grandchildren, and…
Her loving approach to parenting is to put herself inside her children’s heads and hearts…
To understand how they interpret things, why they do what they do, and why they feel the way they feel in various circumstances…
This isn’t a discussion of parenting methods but the way I see it…
Nurturing your audiences as they gain skills and knowledge during your workshop or retreat session is like parenting children…
Mind you, most aren’t going to have a temper tantrum during your session if they’re upset about something…
Although I did have a group once that was ready to revolt…but that’s a story for another day.
To lead a workshop, talk, or retreat session effectively, you have to understand your audience ….
Get inside their heads and hearts, and understand what drives them…
You have to understand audience psychology…
Why do your attendees do what they do during your session?
Why don’t they do what you want them to do?
What can you do to ensure you get the behavior you want?
Then there’s understanding the effect certain situations have on your attendees and…
Their ability and willingness to learn, remember, and use what you’re teaching them…
Situations such as…
The presence of a monopolizer who takes over every discussion…
The absence of participation even when you ask for input from your audience…
The impact on everyone else in the room of a presenter’s negative reaction to an attendee’s question…
And more…
I use audience psychology along with adult learning principles as the foundation for every strategy, tip, solution, and activity…
In The Lab – Adding Sizzle To Your Talks and Workshops.
The Lab is your go-to resource of 36 short bite-sized lessons that give you strategies and answers to many of the questions you have once you have a little experience leading workshops, talks, training sessions, and retreat sessions.
You’ll find answers to questions such as:
How do I get my audience members to participate?
How do I know how long my session takes?
How do I know what questions to ask?
What if there’s a heckler in the audience?
How do I get rid of my butterflies, sweaty palms, and palpitating heart?
What if my tech crashes?
How do I avoid boring my audience?
and much much more.
I’ve used all these strategies again and again — and taught them to thousands of students over the past 25+ years.
In The Lab, you’ll find just the right strategies to make your talk or workshop as impressive and effective as it can be.
You can confidently put together and lead a successful program that is driven by the power of audience psychology and adult learning principles…
You can learn to lead a life-changing transformational workshop, talk, or retreat session that is perfect for your particular audience…
You can orchestrate the results you want!
You just have to know how…
Click here for more information.