Audience psychology….AKA …also known as … the secret to a successful session.
Imagine you’re sitting down at your computer preparing for your talk or workshop (not too far fetched, is it?)
Most presenters spend a large percentage of their prep time creating their PowerPoint slides…
Well…instead of starting with the slides…
Let’s look at your talk or workshop from a different perspective….
Let’s start with this question…
“Who is the most important person in the room? Is it… (a) you, the presenter? or (b) the audience member?”
If you answered (b) the audience member… you’re right…
Without the audience members, you would be talking to an empty room. (I get a really crazy image in my mind of that, don’t you?)
So, that means… that if you’re spending a lot of time planning and designing your PowerPoint slides, you’re focusing in the wrong place.
So let’s turn our attention to our audience members…
Presentation coaches will tell you that you have to know your audience.
Absolutely you do! However, there’s more to knowing your audience than just “Who are these people?”
It’s not only about identifying whether they’re holistic health practitioners, small business owners, financial advisors, life coaches, or…
Whether they’re single, married, parents, dog owners, homeowners, renters, vacationers, healthy, tired, etc.
What Do Presentation Coaches Never Talk About?
Audience psychology — and why your audience members do what they do in your session…and why they don’t always do what you want them to do…
Presentation coaches also don’t coach on what the attendees are thinking and feeling…
Before they come into your session…
As you begin your session…
As you work your way through your session…
As they leave your session…
Presentation coaches never talk about the learning needs, wants, and likes of the people sitting in your talk or workshop…
These needs, wants, and likes have a huge impact on how your information is received by your audience members and…
Whether they can actually do anything with it to…
Solve the problem or manage the situation that brought them to you…
Why Do You Need to Understand Audience Psychology?
Knowing something about the needs, wants, and likes of your audience members and how they feel before, during, and after the session will influence the success of your talk or workshop…
Using this information to create your sessions will impact whether or not your attendees do anything differently as a result of having been in your session.
Are they going to forget what you said as they rush off to the next item on their schedule or…
Will they eagerly apply what they’re learning from you?
As a presenter, your mission is to influence your audience members in a big way… to transform their thoughts and/or actions… so that…
They believe what you say and do what you want them to do.
Now if you’ve done your foundational prep well, you’ve defined the purpose that you want to achieve by the end of your session…
So is it to…
Sell a product or service?
Make your attendees aware of something?
Provide skills and knowledge that will transform the lives of your audience members in some way?
Inspire your attendees to do something, to act differently, to take some sort of initiative, or to think differently?
Knowing whether your audience members are skeptical, positive, hostile, or accepting will help you craft your session so that you achieve that purpose…
Knowing the psychology behind why attendees don’t ask questions, answer questions, or participate in some other way will also direct your preparation beforehand and your course-correction during your talk or workshop…
Do You Want To Know The Secret?
Leading a great workshop, talk, or retreat session is about tapping into the psychology of your audience members and connecting with their needs, wants, and likes every step of the way…
It’s about ensuring that all the parts of your session have been strategically designed to get your audience members to the destination…
That includes …
The quantity and quality of the information…
How well you use the visual aids (e.g. PowerPoint slides, flip charts, workbooks)…
The teaching and presenting methods you use…
The activities you facilitate…
The way in which you establish the learning environment…
The debriefing that you do…
The way you ask questions…
The feedback you provide…
The way in which you start and end your session…
All of these elements… and more… can either support or sabotage your best efforts to create raving fans of your audience members…
If you want to create workshops, talks, or retreat sessions that your audiences love…
If you want to gain awesomely great presentation skills that you can use again, and again, and again…
If you want to step into your power and facilitate the transformations you were meant to help…
>>>Click here and sign up for the Creating Your Engaging Talks and Workshops online program.