I love using fun engaging activities that raise the energy in the room and are great both as icebreakers and energizers…
I love getting my participants up and moving around…
I love drawing on the knowledge, experience, and creativity of my audience members…
I love getting immediate buy-in from my workshop participants…getting them invested in my topic quickly…
I love planting seeds right off the bat …getting them thinking, acting, and talking about my topic…and priming the pump for more conversations later…
I love involving the quieter participants who are reluctant to speak up in a large group…
I love using activities to assess how much my attendees already know about my topic before I dig into it in detail…
I love surprising my participants with the realization that my sessions aren’t the information dumps they’ve experienced elsewhere…
I love setting a “participation expectation”…
I love using a variety of activities in order to address all my students’ learning preferences…
I love getting the room hopping…
In The Lab at Engaging Talks and Workshops, you’ll find my favorite activities…
Activities that carry all these benefits and more…
If you’ve been struggling to engage your audience members…
The Lab is your go-to place for low-tech easy-to-use activities that get audience members participating, learning, remembering, and applying…
The best part? You’ll save time and money…
No need to hire an instructional designer, a PowerPoint expert, a graphic designer, and a professional speech writer and…
Spend thousands of dollars having them create your sessions for you…
Because, let’s face it, they don’t have your expertise and don’t know your topic, your message, and your audience like you do!
No need to spend hours upon hours of your time searching the web for activities that you aren’t sure will work…
I’ve used every single one of the activities inside The Lab and taught them to my students hundreds of times…
All the techniques and strategies inside The Lab have been tested and approved by me.
So, what are you waiting for?