Imagine this scenario…
You’re sitting in a workshop…
The presenter is energetic, entertaining, and makes you laugh…
His session is well-organized and interactive…
He has you participating in several exercises and he takes the time to discuss the results…
Sounds like a perfect session, doesn’t it?
It is…until something happens that sabotages everything the presenter has worked so hard to achieve…
A participant raises his hand and asks a question about an online platform that the presenter had made reference to several times…
The participant has never heard of it, and much to our surprise…
The presenter’s reaction is very dramatic — played out as you would see it in an old movie…
Where the heroine swoons or faints, hand dramatically held up to her forehead…
What happens when you laugh or react negatively in some way to questions from participants?
You embarrass them and shut them down, and …
Here’s the kicker… That feeling transfers over to others in the audience…
“If s/he’s reacting like that to someone else’s question, I’d better not take a chance and ask mine. The same thing might happen to me.”
Participants take a risk when they ask a question…
They want a safe respectful environment … one that doesn’t point out their weaknesses or put them at risk of ridicule…
In Step 2 of the Creating Your Engaging Talks and Workshops program…
You’ll learn how to establish a safe positive learning environment…
You’ll learn how to set your attendees up for success in your sessions, and …
How to make it easier for your attendees to know what to do and how to do it…