by ida | Designing a Learning Experience, Engagement, Presentation Strategies
What are your audience members thinking when they walk into your workshop, talk, or retreat session? Either consciously or subconsciously, a lot of questions are going through their minds… Will this be a good use of my time? Will this be a good use of my money?...
by ida | Designing a Learning Experience, Engagement, Presentation Strategies
Have you ever been to a talk or workshop that started out so sloooooooowwwwwly that all you wanted was for the presenter to get on with it? Introductions that draaaaaagggg on with presenters touting their credentials, bragging about how they made their millions, or...
by ida | Designing a Learning Experience, Difficult Situations, Engagement, Presentation Strategies
It was 2 p.m. on a Monday afternoon. I was planning out a series of emails for my subscriber list and looking for ideas. Then it happened… I came across a video by online course creator Debbie Hodge where she described the differences between creating an online...
by ida | Designing a Learning Experience, Engagement, Presentation Strategies
Quick quiz…. As you sit down at your computer and get started with the planning of your workshop, talk, or retreat session, which of the following questions goes through your mind? (a) What information should I give my audience? or (b) What can I do to ensure...
by ida | Creativity, Designing a Learning Experience, Engagement
The movie opens with a car chase… You sit forward in your seat… It grabs your attention right away… You’re engaged… What goes through your mind? “This is exciting. I can hardly wait to find out what happens!” I don’t advocate having a car chase...
by ida | Designing a Learning Experience, Difficult Situations, Engagement
Ding dong! There goes the doorbell. You eagerly run to open the door for the pizza delivery guy. You quickly tip him, and with great anticipation, you hurry to the kitchen table with your steaming pizza… You open the box. Yum…a big 12-inch mushroom and...
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