What Does Your Workshop or Talk Have in Common With a 12-Inch Pizza?
Ding dong! There goes the doorbell. You eagerly run to open the door for the pizza delivery guy. You quickly tip him, and with great anticipation, you hurry to the kitchen table with your steaming pizza... You open the box. Yum...a big 12-inch mushroom and cheese...
He Stopped Doing This
At the end of one of my workshops, Derek, a corporate trainer and coach blurted out, “I’ve been reborn. I’m a whole new presenter now!” What had triggered this “aha” moment? Derek had come in with a long-held assumption that when he took on the responsibility of...
I Love This Quote
“Sometimes you fall down because there is something down there that you are supposed to find.” I’m sure we’ve all read quotes about failure and picking ourselves up again, but... Picking oneself up can be hard... We don’t always know how to pick ourselves up or what...
To Help You Ramp Up Your Sessions…
Wouldn't you like to be so confident... That you knew that every transformational talk or workshop you led... Was going to hit the mark and make a life-changing difference to your students? What do you need to get you there? A road map that takes you step-by-step...
Should You Start Your Workshop or Talk With a Joke?
The late great American-Danish comedian Victor Borge said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." There's no doubt that people love to laugh, and... Laughing creates connections between people... As a presenter, don't you secretly hope that your...
Are You Using Audience Psychology?
Audience psychology....AKA ...also known as ... the secret to a successful session. Imagine you're sitting down at your computer preparing for your talk or workshop (not too far fetched, is it?) Most presenters spend a large percentage of their prep time creating...
How to Get the Room Hopping
I love using fun engaging activities that raise the energy in the room and are great both as icebreakers and energizers... I love getting my participants up and moving around... I love drawing on the knowledge, experience, and creativity of my audience members... I...
What’s Your Reaction To This?
Imagine this scenario... You're sitting in a workshop... The presenter is energetic, entertaining, and makes you laugh... His session is well-organized and interactive... He has you participating in several exercises and he takes the time to discuss the results......
Should You Memorize Your Talk?
To memorize or not to memorize -- that is the question.... The usual argument presentation coaches make against memorizing your presentation is that you won't sound natural -- that your presentation will sound memorized... They also maintain that you should know...
The Worst Gig Or Why I Never Do A “Lunch And Learn”
There will be times when you are asked to be the lunchtime speaker at an event or are invited into an organization to do what is referred to as a “lunch and learn”... Organizations and event planners book lunchtime speakers either because they feel the need to offer...